Case Study

Ceramic Group

Telegram Bot

Optimize the internal process

  • Customer: Ceramic Group
  • Settore: Ceramics
  • Servizio: Telegram Bot
  • Duration: 2 months
  • Team Size: 2
  • Integration: Telegram, Database gruppo ceramico
Customer & Challenge

We want to tell you about the success of an important ceramic group. It was founded in the mid-60s and has reached record positions in the world ceramic industry thanks to an ethical vision of its mission, focused on the values of innovation, research, internationalization, roots in the territory, respect for the environment, and corporate social responsibility.

This ceramic group asked Mumble for support to make communication between sales, customers, and offices easier, allowing traders to provide timely real-time answers to their customers, even being abroad and without the obligation to contact headquarters and wait for feedback.

“Takeaway” Solution

1. Overview

The challenge that the Group submitted to Mumble was to develop a digital tool that would allow the sales team to access in real-time to the production, warehouse, and customer data.

Together with the Group’s IT department Mumble developed a BOT based on Telegram technology, because it was an application already available on company devices. The project took the form of a BOT connected to the company’s data systems that interacted with the Telegram APIs.

Thanks to the BOT users can now make three different interrogations as needed: /stock, /customer, /cart. 

2. Real-time accurate responses: /stock

Thanks to the integration with the Group information systems each authorized employee could log in, at any time and any place on the earth, to real-time information about warehouse and production departments. He could then search and obtain information on any type of product. Simply writing /stock and the code or name of the product you are looking for will immediately get the information on availability and production plans.

3. All your customers are just a click away: /customer

When the salesmen need to know the

When salespeople need to know the personal data and financial situation of their customers, it is no longer necessary to make many calls to the office and wait for the required data to be reported.

Thanks to the /customer command and the integration with the Group database, the required data transmission will be immediate.

4. Making an order has never been easier: /cart

I think now you understood the process, thanks to the Telegram APIs integration the interface is easy and intuitive, usable by anyone with an extremely short training period. To make the BOT ever more effective, Mumble implemented the /cart function, which allows sending a new order quickly and with few clicks.


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