The Youth Committee aims to support the activities of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO in the fields of education, science, culture, and communication. It also involves promoting projects, values, and priorities in local communities, through the search for the active participation of young people and civil society in initiatives and events of national value.


• UI/UX Design
• Back-end dev
• Web dev
• iOS e Android dev

The Challenge

Mumble was commissioned to design and develop the UNESCO Youth Committee’s iOS and Android applications, with the goal of making the World Heritage sites accessible on smartphones.

The Solution

The application, developed for iOS and Android operating systems, was designed to be simple and functional for every type of user, from the most to the least experienced. The app was designed to be nationally scalable: indeed, it i the Committee’s ambition to expand the number of sites included in the app. Thanks to the developed architecture, members of the Committee will be able to manage the entry or modification of data in total autonomy.

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